
Hi have develop a google maps with a form at the top of a marker, but
i want to register information by using ajax  - $post(...) -.

I've tried to manipulate the textboxes, but, with no success.

var infoTabs = [
                                        new GInfoWindowTab("Dados",
                                        '<form id="" method="post" 
action="index.php?st=guardar">' +
                                        '       <div>Empresa</div>' +
                                        '       <div><input type="text" 
id="txtempresa" size="50" /></div>' +
                                        '       <div>Morada</div>' +
                                        '       <div><input type="text" 
id="txtmorada" size="50" /></div>' +
                                        '       <div>Cód. Postal - 
Localidade</div>' +
                                        '       <div><input type="text" 
id="txtcp" size="10" /> <input
type="text" id="txtlocal" size="30" /></div>' +
                                        '       <div>Telefone</div>' +
                                        '       <div><input type="text" 
id="txttelf" size="12" /></div>' +
                                        '       <div>Fax</div>' +
                                        '       <div><input type="text" 
id="txtfax" size="" /></div>' +
                                        '       <div>Email</div>' +
                                        '       <div><input type="text" 
id="txtemail" size="40" /></div>' +
                                        '       <div>' +
                                        '               <table>' +
                                        '                       <tr>' +
<td>Latitude</td><td>Longitude</td>' +
                                        '                       </tr>' +
                                        '                       <tr>' +
<td><input type="text" id="txtlat" size="12" value="' +
place.Point.coordinates[1] + '" /></td><td><input type="text"
id="txtlon" size="12" value="' + place.Point.coordinates[0] + '" /></
td>' +
                                        '                       </tr>' +
                                        '               </table></div> ' +
                                    '   <div><input type="submit" 
id="btnguardar" value="Guardar" /
></div>' +
                                        new GInfoWindowTab("Informação", 
'<b>Address:</b>' +
place.address + '<br>')


this is the code that shows de form when i click at the map. can any
one give a clue to manipulate that objects, to save the information
using $post ?


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