Try this:

$("#<%= this.pnlInputFields.ClientID %>

Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 3:57 AM, brnwdrng <> wrote:
> I have a set of text box inputs in a div, and want to color the empty
> ones red (css) when a user attempts to submit incomplete fields. I've
> tried this with and without an explicit iterator, as shown in the two
> examples below.
> (a)
> $("#<%= this.pnlInputFields.ClientID %> input[class='inputFields']
> [value='']").toggleClass('inputFields_empty');
> (b)
> $("#<%= this.pnlInputFields.ClientID %> input
> [class='inputFields']").each(function(i) { $(this).toggleClass
> ('inputFields_empty', $.trim($(this).val()).length < 1); });
> The first one fails with an error message indicating that [value='']
> is an unrecognized expression (Firebug), though [value='helloworld']
> works, correctly toggling the inputFields_empty class on (but not off)
> wherever it finds "helloworld" in a text box.  I've tried countless
> variations on this, and can't seem to get it right for an empty field
> (tried :empty too).
> The second one (b) works, at least initially, highlighting the empty
> text boxes. Not as elegant as something like (a) might be, but I'll
> use it if (a) is infeasible.  Note that it only works the first time
> my button is pushed; subsequent changes in the textbox fields (like
> the user erasing them) fail to remove the inputField_empty class (not
> posting back, just have a onclick call that runs this validator
> method).
> Any suggestions?

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