Hi there,

I'm a recent converter from Prototype to jQuery and I've got a couple
of questions.

Firstly, if I am storing a jQuery object containing an element (var el
= $('#myelement');) and then I subsequently remove that element ($
('#myelement').remove()), how can I test my el variable to see if that
element exists in the document or has been removed? I cannot simply
test using the id of the element as I I'm storing tens of elements
this way and it's not practical. It would appear that the jQuery
object is still holding a reference to the removed element and hence
any checks for it on the object return as okay.

Secondly, I'm having some withdrawal symptoms from Prototype and I'm
missing the many other functions such as it's String, Array, Object
and even some of it's Element functions. I did think about using both
libraries as the same time but that would be a hefty download. Are
there any other options that anyone is using, perhaps some good
plugins or other smaller libraries the do the job nicely?

Many thanks,


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