Hi All,

I'm at a bit of a loss here.  I have a div which contains a swf.  The
swf has various panels that can be expanded and contracted vertically
so it's height can grow  It's embedded using the jQuery flash plug-in
and it has a height of 100%.  The div itself has a starting height of
285px..  The problem I face is that the designer wants to place an
html banner ad below this swf and when a user expands the height of
the swf the banner should slide down the page.

Now I can easily change the height of the div containing the flash
with something like:

$.fn.searchPanelHeight = function(h) {

This function is called by the swf which sends it the height (h)
variable.  This works but the height change is instant which causes
the banner below to simply jump up and down the page.  How can I
animate this change in height so that the banner slides down as the
div expands?

Many thanks in advance for any help!


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