I was checking it on the link that you sent me , so do you think I need it
to have form tag seperately in each tab ... and then use it or I can just
use aspnetForm...

The problem is how in each tab i will have different validation ... Like
tab1 will have textbox1 and submitbutton1...tab2 will have textbox2 and
submitbutton2 and so on...

now if I press submnitbutton1 .. it should only validate textbox1 aqnd if i
click submitbutton2 ....it should only validate textbox2....

another problem... suppose in any of textbox I am using autocomplete plugin
and when page loads ... "Auto-Suggest "
 keyword is written in textbox.... in that case validation fails as it looks
for empty textbox .... is there any work around for that ?

can you write a small some pseudo code for that ?


On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 2:55 PM, tres <treshug...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It is being used and is stable in an enterprise environment so I
> shouldn't say "alpha". The only reason I said that was because I do
> want to do a lot more work to it and the api might change.
> Trey
> On Feb 5, 9:42 am, tres <treshug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Varun,
> >
> > I've actually solved a problem like this for the company that I work
> > for. I have 5 tabs, all located within 1 form. I also had to label the
> > tabs that had errors and focus the first one that had errors. This is
> > simply unachievable without a bit of "hacking" with the .validate()
> > plugin. Don't get me wrong, it's a great plugin, but doesn't scale
> > very well when posed with a very high level problem, not to mention it
> > can get slow when validating a lot of fields. Because of this, I have
> > written something for myself that may be of use to you. It is still in
> > "alpha stages" and I have a lot of changes and fixes that I want to
> > work on, but it is quite effective and it may help you quite bit with
> > your problem here.
> >
> > http://shugartweb.com/jquery/form/
> >
> > The documentation is generated from the doc blocks in the code, so
> > it's fairly well documented, but lacking examples. Let me know if you
> > like it.
> >
> > Suggestions, changes, collaboration is all welcome.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Trey
> >
> > On Feb 4, 11:12 am, varun <khatri.vk1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Everybody
> >
> > > I am trying to use validation plugin with ui tbas.
> >
> > > suppose I have 5 tabs on page and every tab have submit button ,,,, in
> > > that case how can I use validation plugin...
> >
> > > I know i can use validation as:
> >
> > > ('#form-id').validate();
> >
> > > but since i have 5 tabs but i cant have 5 forms in asp.net(please
> > > correct me if I am wrong)...
> >
> > > can some one please let me know workaround for this ?
> >
> > > Thanks
> > > Varun

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