You can with my form validation plugin.

There is an option that you can pass called 'ignore'. It is a selector
for all fields that should be ignored in validation. By default it is
':hidden', but you can put anything in there such as ':hidden,
[value="default value"], .example-field'. It will then ignore those on

If you have any questions, changes, suggestions, comments or just
would like to collaborate, let me know.


On Feb 5, 6:56 am, varun <> wrote:
> Hi
> Can some one please tell me if I can use validate plugin if saomething
> is written in textbox by default ?
> I have a textbox which is using auto complete p[lugin , so when page
> loads an "auto-suggest" keyword always written in textbox and if some
> user clicks that keyword,it disappears ...
> I want even if it is there and somebody submits the form , validation
> plugin should work?
> Thanks
> Varun

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