In the future, please post questions about jQuery UI bugs to the jQuery UI
Dev list:

The list you've posted to is for general help with jQuery. Also, if you
could open a ticket in the jQuery UI bug tracker: (note: registration required)

Please be sure to provide information about what version of jQuery and
jQuery UI you are using. If you can attach a minimal test page that shows
the error, that will help even more. Thanks.

- Richard

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 7:40 AM, tom gee <> wrote:

> hi all,
> this problem is driving me nuts! i hope to be able to provide as much
> info as possible to help resolve it!! the site is working fine with
> the drag n drop, but at some points the drag feature breaks reporting
> an error with line number 3370 (or there abouts as i have added a
> couple of lines  to try n debug)...the line number points to this line
> of code...
> offsetParent = elem.offsetParent,
> it reports and error in IE with the script debugger...i have tried
> logging the elem to the console and it works fine, but for some reason
> it breaks when trying to get the offsetParent and ownerDocument from
> the draggable element.
> any help would be most gratefully appreciated!!! i can supply a URL to
> view the issue...the site works fien in FF otherwise i'd be using
> firefbug to track down the problem...i can't seem to extract any more
> info than this really...!
> again thanks in advance!!
> tom

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