
I am using jQuery to alter the parameters of embedded YouTube-Videos.
This works fine with browsers that use the <embed> portion of the code
(Opera & FF), whereas the browsers who use the <object> part (IE &
Chrome) will update the code accordingly but not refresh the Video.

What I am using is the following:


        var oldname = $(this).attr('value');
        var check = oldname.search(/youtube.+/);

        if (check != -1){
        var newname = oldname+'&showinfo=0';

        var oldname = $(this).attr('src');
        var check = oldname.search(/youtube.+/);

        if (check != -1){
        var newname = oldname+'&showinfo=0';


Anybody got any idea how to get the <object>-browsers to refreshing
the display?


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