Thanks for the ideas everyone!

@Stephan: Yes, it's in an external JS file. I'd prefer to not have to
do any inline javascript. I've considered it, but thanks for the

@Ricardo: Thanks for those. I may end up doing a variation of them.

On Feb 8, 4:50 am, Stephan Veigl <> wrote:
> Hi
> I guess you have your $().ready() function in an external js file,
> otherwise you could
> customize it for the according html page.
> Another construct similar to Ricardos one, but a bit more flexible:
> Use a global variable in every html file to specify the init functions
> you want to call for this page:
> <script type="text/javascript">
>         myInitFxn = [ManageCategoriesClick, HideByDefault, 
> PrepareSplitForm,...];
> </script>
> ready.js:
> $().ready(function(){
>         for(var i in myInitFxn) {
>                 myInitFxn[i](); // call init function
>         }
> });
> by(e)
> Stephan
> 2009/2/8 brian <>:
> > On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 11:21 PM, Ricardo Tomasi <> 
> > wrote:
> >> Alternatively you could add a different class to the body of each
> >> page, then use this rather amusing construct:
> >> $(document).ready((function(){
> >>  var is = function(v){ return ++document.body.className.indexOf(v) };
> >>  return(
> >>   is('categories')
> >>     ? ManageCategoriesClick :
> >>   is('hidebydefault')
> >>     ? HideByDefault :
> >>   is('form')
> >>     ? PrepareSplitForm :
> >>   is('advert')
> >>     ? SetUpAdvertPopup :
> >>   function(){} //nothing
> >>  );
> >> })());
> > That is, indeed, amusing. And one for my toy chest. Thanks!
> > Who knew, back in '96, that javascript was going to turn out to be so much 
> > fun?

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