This is probably a bug that occurs only in combination of error
containers and the remote methods. I'll look into it.


On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 6:07 PM, Kris <> wrote:
> Another figure out the solution for this? I am having a similar
> problem.
> Thanks guys,
> Kris
> On Dec 15 2008, 4:17 am, Jet <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sounds like we are having the same problem.
>> I have posted about the problem in this thread.
>> The thread above though refers to a field not usingremote, but I'm
>> also having the same problem on another page when usingremote.
>> URL:
>> (checkout the "Username" field which I'm using "remote".)
>> Well...sorry I'm not of much help.
>> Just to bring to your attention about this similar thread and hope
>> that Jörn (the author of this wonderful script) could help.
>> Good luck!
>> ;)
>> On Dec 15, 4:48 am, kemalemin <> wrote:
>> > Hi, myvalidationsummary worked quite fine before I made aremote
>> > username check available to it. The problem is when for the first time
>> > an already existing username is entered into the username box, the
>> > error div pops alright saying that the username already exists in the
>> > db. however when I go back and correct it, the error message
>> > disappears but the containing div still exists on the page. below is
>> > the code, I hope somebody can help....
>> >  var container = $('#error_container');
>> >         // validate the form when it is submitted
>> >         var validator = $("#frmUserRegister").validate({
>> >             onkeyup: false,
>> >                 errorContainer: container,
>> >                 errorLabelContainer: $("ol", container),
>> >                 wrapper: 'li',
>> >                 meta: "validate",
>> >                 rules: {
>> >             txtFullName: {
>> >                 required: true,
>> >                 rangelength:[3, 100]},
>> >             txtUsername: {
>> >                 required: true,
>> >                 rangelength:[5, 30],
>> >                remote:"ajaxCheckUsername.aspx"}, // returns 'true' or
>> > 'false' as string
>> >             txtEmail: {
>> >                 required: true,
>> >                 email: true},
>> >             txtPassword: {
>> >                 required: true,
>> >                 rangelength:[5, 20]},
>> >             txtConfirmPassword: {
>> >                 equalTo: "#txtPassword"}
>> >         },
>> >         messages: {
>> >             txtFullName: {
>> >                 required: "Please enter your <strong>full name</
>> > strong>.",
>> >                 rangelength: "Fullname must be <strong>between 3 and
>> > 100 characters</strong>"},
>> >             txtUsername: {
>> >                 required: "Please enter a <strong>valid username</
>> > strong>.",
>> >                 rangelength: "Username must be <strong>between 5 and
>> > 30 characters</strong>.",
>> >                remote: jQuery.format("<strong><u>{0}</u> is already
>> > taken</strong>, please choose a different username.")},
>> >             txtEmail: {
>> >                 required: "please provide an <strong>email</strong>
>> > address.",
>> >                 email: "please provide a <strong>valid email</strong>
>> > address"},
>> >             txtPassword: {
>> >                 required: "please provide a <strong>password</
>> > strong>",
>> >                 rangelength: "Password must be <strong> between 6 and
>> > 20 characters</strong>"},
>> >             txtConfirmPassword: {
>> >                 equalTo: "passwords <strong>must match</strong>."}
>> >         },
>> >         });
>> > });
>> >     </script>
>> >     <style type="text/css">
>> > #error_container
>> > {
>> >     background-image:url(img/error.gif);
>> >     background-repeat:no-repeat;
>> >         background-color: #FFE8E8;
>> >         border: 1px solid #CC0000;
>> >         color: #CC0000;
>> >     font-family:Tahoma;
>> >     font-size:11px;
>> >     padding:4px 0 0 40px;
>> >     display: none;
>> > }
>> > #error_container ol li {
>> >         list-style-type:circle;
>> > }
>> > form.frmUserRegister label.frmUserRegister, label.error {
>> >         /* remove the next line when you have trouble in IE6 with labels in
>> > list */
>> >         color: #CC0000;
>> > }
>> > </style>
>> > </head>
>> > <body>
>> >     <form id="frmUserRegister" runat="server">
>> >     <div id="error_container">
>> >         <strong>please review and correct the following errors:</strong>
>> >         <ol>
>> >             <li style="display:none;"></li>
>> >         </ol>
>> >         </div>
>> > .... the rest of the page are the form fields...
>> > here, the div with the id of "error_container" is still being
>> > displayed...

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