I'm a newbie at jQuery so bear with me here. For the relevant stats: I
am using FF3.0.6, jQuery

I am attempting to recreate the Spain Map from Pragmatic Ajax.  I did
it with GWT and now I am recreating it (or trying to) with jQuery. The
GWT version I did also support mouse wheel for zooming.

However I am not get getting very far.  I did a bit of research and
found this[1] and this[2] but I need the images to be tiled.

So I jumped in after reading Plugins/Authoring[3] tutorial. However
things didn't go as smoothly as I would of hoped and so I started
scaling back.  And scaling back.  In the end this is what I ended up
with in jQuery.spainmap.js

jQuery.logError = function() { alert("Error"); };
jQuery.logWarning = function { alert("Warning"); };
jQuery.logDebug = function { alert("Debug"); };

Which is not very exciting. When I run this in the document.ready:

$(document).ready(function() {

Nothing fires.  The first is just a variation I tried to see if I
could provoke a reaction. This is the very same code in [3].

So: How do I get it this very simple example to work - ie Fire the

[1] http://tinyjs.com/examples/draggable/index.html
[2] http://pupunzi.wordpress.com/2009/01/20/mbimgnavigator/
[3] http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring

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