Thank you for the replies.  I like the toggle idea.  It's simple and
it works.



On Feb 7, 11:35 am, donb <> wrote:
> Rather than bindin/unbinding events, why not put a hidden <label> (or
> tag of your choice) there with the same text, then toggle between
> them:
> $("a, label").toggle();
> Show the anchor or show the label.
> On Feb 7, 6:07 am, jQuery Lover <> wrote:
> > > $('a.show_reset_pass_box').unbind('click');
> > This line is unbinding ALL click events. So the second click binding
> > function is not fired, since it's not bound...
> > ----
> > Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -
> > On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 2:48 PM,rob303<> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > This should be easy.
> > > I want to disable a link and then re-enable it later.  I have:
> > > $('a.show_reset_pass_box').click(function() {
> > >    // do some stuff
> > >    $('a.show_reset_pass_box').unbind('click');
> > >    return false;
> > >  });
> > > Which works just fine.  But then when I try to do:
> > > $('a.close_reset_pass_box').click(function() {
> > >    // do some stuff
> > >    $('a.show_reset_pass_box').bind('click');
> > >    return false;
> > >  });
> > > The click event isn't bound back onto the anchor.
> > > The anchor looks like this:
> > > <a class="show_reset_pass_box" title="Lost Password?">Lost Password?</
> > > a>
> > > What am I doing wrong?
> > > Many thanks in advance for any hekp.
> > > Rob.

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