$("#clientnip1").rules("add", {
 required: function(element) {
       return $("#type").val() == "P";

$("#clientnip2").rules("add", {
 required: function(element) {
       return $("#type").val() == "S";

one function can return only one value at a time first one i.e. 'p' one
to execute 's' one use above two functions .
hope this will work ;)


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:27 PM, koszu <rafal.kos...@izbarzem.opole.pl>wrote:

> I'm using jquery validate plugin and I have a problem with rules
> depending of form selectors.
> In my form I have got two form selectors:
> <select name="client.clientType" id="type" class="iefixmargin"><option
> value="">-- Wybierz --</option>
>                                <option value="B">Bezrobotny</option>
>                                <option value="N">Nieaktywny
> zawodowo</option>
>                                <option value="Z">Zatrudniony</option>
>                                <option value="I">Inny</option>
>                                <option value="P">Przedsiebiorstwo</option>
>                                <option
> value="S">Samozatrudnony</option></select>
> and
> <input name="clientnip" id="clientnip" maxlength="14" value=""
> class="tekst" type="text">
> I'd like to make "clientnip" required if  "type" value is "P" or "S".
> I tried this:
>  $("#clientnip").rules("add", {
>  required: function(element) {
>        return $("#type").val() == "P";
>        return $("#type").val() == "S";
>              }
> It works for type value = "P" and ignore "S".
> Could some one help me?

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