Have you tried using the attr() function?


Michael Lawson
Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

  From:       ezod <pured...@gmail.com>                                
  To:         "jQuery (English)" <jquery-en@googlegroups.com>          
  Date:       02/09/2009 11:40 AM                                      
  Subject:    [jQuery] input file and val()                            

Hi there,

I tried to "reset" a file input element by using "val()".

             <script src="jquery.js"></script>
                         $(document).ready(function() {

                                     $("#resetMe").click(function () {

             <form name="foo">
                         <input id="input1" type="file" name="foobar">
                         <input id="resetMe" type="button"


This works fine for FF, but IE doesn´t (re)set the value.

Any hints?


<<inline: graycol.gif>>

<<inline: ecblank.gif>>

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