Hi all,

click() doesn't work on most browsers because of security reasons.  Can you
imagine giving some spam programmer the ability to simulate a mouse click?


Michael Lawson
Content Tools Developer, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-919-517-1568 Tieline:  255-1568
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

  From:       solidhex <patr...@solidhex.com>                          
  To:         "jQuery (English)" <jquery-en@googlegroups.com>          
  Date:       02/09/2009 02:01 PM                                      
  Subject:    [jQuery] Re: Triggering a link with no click event       

I was looking to do the same thing - I wanted to emulate the click()
method, which doesn't work on all browsers. I have had any luck
either. I was trying to open a file input browse view by clicking on
another link. I can get it to work in IE and Safari, but Firefox
doesn't support it on input[type=file]

On Jan 31, 2:23 pm, Andy789 <e...@abcstudio.com.au> wrote:
> Guys, thank you, but it still does not work.
> 1) The Maurício's solution is just a way of extracting the href value
> and creating onlick event to jump to that link. What I need is to
> emulate aclickon the a element without opening a link directly. The
> reason for that: Rokbox scans all rel="rokbox" elements and generates
> a set of divs bevore closing body tag. Somehow the links are binded
> with some internal RokBox functions, so clicking on the link opens a
> RokBox with the link target inside.
> 2) Yes, I am using both mootools and jquery with noConflict()
> declaration - it works perfectly
> 3) The problem is that I cannot find the function inside RokBox to
> call it directly from jscript function. At the same time I would
> rather prefer to use RokBox, because it works perfectly for complex
> independent pages with ajax, flash etc inside. RokBox creates an
> iframe inside.
> The point is that I need to find either a way of emulating the
linkclickor a function inside RokBox, which is difficult, because it is
> packed
> any more ideas?

<<inline: graycol.gif>>

<<inline: ecblank.gif>>

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