Hi Mark,

ad 1)
in Firebug I can see only one POST request.
Do you have any content in your config.html which is loaded
subsequently (e.g. images, js, ...)?
Just try it with an empty config.html and without the callback function.

ad 2)
no Problem, you can chain AJAX request within the callback as you like


2009/2/9 Mark Lacas <markla...@gmail.com>:
> I have been tracing this one down for two days.
> Has anyone else ever seen jquery making multiple request for a single
> call?
> Here is the call:
>                        $("#configure_blocks").load( 
> "config_templates/"+config_template
> +".html", { bust: new Date() }, function( data ){
>                                var theform = 
> document.getElementById("basic_properties");
>                                theform.reset();
>                        });
> Here are the lines from my apache2 log:
> - - [09/Feb/2009:11:41:21 -0800] "POST /config_templates/
> led.html HTTP/1.1" 200 3035 ""; "Mozilla/5.0
> (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008061712
> Firefox/3.0"
> - - [09/Feb/2009:11:41:21 -0800] "GET /config_templates/
> led.html HTTP/1.1" 200 3035 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac
> OS X 10.5; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008061712 Firefox/3.0"
> This has been driving me mad as I can't get a handle on why this is
> happening.
> As well, is it ok to make a second ajax call in the completion block
> of a previous ajax call?
>                        $("#configure_blocks").load( 
> "config_templates/"+config_template
> +".html", { bust: new Date() }, function( data ){
>                                var theform = 
> document.getElementById("basic_properties");
>                                theform.reset();
>                                $.get("/cgi-bin/socket.cgi", { socket:'led', 
> command:"off", plain:
> 1 }, function( json ){
>                                        alert( dump( json );
>                                }, json );
>                        });
> Thanks,
> ml

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