
this is my first post - hope everthing goes fine :-)
today I get a strange error trying to use the validation plugin from
bassistance - used it several times before but never mentioned
something like this (using latest v.1.5.1 & jquery 1.3.1).
Firebug shows me following error (my code follows at the end):

validator.settings["on" + event.type].call is not a function

The error isn't shown if I remove the event options
(onfocusout,onkeyup..) but I want to use the options of course. Also
the blur event doesn't worked for me any more. I've tried for a few
hours to change my code - e.g. remove the livequery optin - but
nothing worked for me.

Maybe someone has an idea.

thx & kind regards

          var formOptions =
            focusInvalid: "false",
            onfocusout: "true",
            onkeyup: "true",
            errorElement: "span",
                    dataType: "json",
                    beforeSubmit: function(a,f,o) {
                    o.dataType = "html";
                  success: function(data){
            rules: {
              "project[title]": {required: true}
            messages: {
              "project[title]": {required: ' '}

          var validator = $("#project").livequery(function(){

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