
I'm new to jQuery. I had to use 1.3.1 with the HtmlUnit Java web testing library and we found that with publicly released versions of HtmlUnit it fails because the JS engine cannot find the function document.createComment

Is this a standard DOM method or something "widely supported" by browsers?

I looked in the jQuery source, and this is only used once, and only as part of detection of other bugs:

        // Check to see if the browser returns only elements
        // when doing getElementsByTagName("*")

        // Create a fake element
        var div = document.createElement("div");
        div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );

If there is a possibility that some browsers do not support createComment then shouldn't that code check first for the existence of the function?

Just seems that would be in the proper spirit of jQuery, as I understand it so far.


~ ~ ~
Marc Palmer
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