Hi everyone,

First of all, THANKS for jQuery -- it is the most amazing javascript
tool I have ever used.

I have two questions however.

1. I have an ajax application where breaks when forms are submitted on
IE7 or IE6. I use IE8 and it works fine. My friends use IE7 and the
behavior they get is weird. When they click on the element that
triggers the ajax it is as if all the form fields do not exist.

I looked online and people say to do "onSubmit='return false;'" or
some version of that, but that doesn't work

2. Lastly, when I use ajax I would like to use the history of the
browser. Is there an easier way to keep the history instead of storing
the called urls in an array. Or is there a design or preferred plug in
out there that I can use to see how they coded it?

Again, this is an amazing tool, anyone who has contributed to jQuery
deserves a free pass to heaven.

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