Hi all.

A very simple jquery UI dialog question as I undertake learning this
new tool:

I have a button:

<asp:Button id="btnCancelMeeting" Text="Cancel Event" runat="server"
OnClientClick='javascript:return jsConfirmCancellation();' />

that calls this function:

function jsConfirmCancellation() {

return  $(document).ready(function() { $('#CancelDialog').dialog
('open'); });


which opens this dialog:
 <div id="CancelDialog" title="Cancel and Event or Meeting"><p>Cancel
this event.</p></div>

using this function:

        $(function() {
        // Cancel Event Dialog Box
                autoOpen: false,
                width: 500,
                buttons: {
                        "Cancel This Event": function() 
                        "Do Not Cancel": function() 

What doesn't happen is the jsConformcancellation function is not
returning "true" or "false" depending on the button clicked.

I am a brand new (2 hours so far) jquery/javascript programmer, so
sorry for the perhaps amateurish question...

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