On Feb 11, 2009, at 3:27 AM, astr wrote:

Hi, everybody,

I have a problem with IE7/Cluetip plugin. IE7 Currupts the tooltips in
the jQuery ClueTip plugin if you zoom the page. See, eg., the example
on the Cluetip demo page  plugins.learningjquery.com/cluetip/demo/ ,
default style, 9. mouse tracking.

Zooming is a good property, though not if it is poorly implemented. It
seems to be in IE7 (google confirms), so it is either give up the
Cluetip or ignore IE7, unless there is some remedy, which I am not
able to find.  Has anybody hit on a way out of this problem?

The best to all


I'm sorry you're having trouble with this. I wish there were something I could do to fix it, but I'm not sure where to start, to be honest. If anyone else has some suggestions, I'd love to hear them. Not only is the positioning off when you zoom, but that (experimental) example you mention has other problems. Seems that when I move the mouse over the link, the tooltip moves but the text it contains stays put. Very strange.

Incidentally, the jQuery UI Dialog has some issues of its own wrt IE7 zooming.

I'm guessing this has something to do with how IE7 reports its offsets. Would be interested to hear if others have found solutions. In the meantime, I do some research of my own.

Thanks for reporting the problem. Sorry I don't have a quick fix for you.

Karl Swedberg

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