Triggering the click on 'a' fires the click on the the 'td', which
triggers the click on 'a', which fires the click on 'td', etc. :)

On Feb 11, 9:40 am, johnallan <> wrote:
> jquery 1.3.1
> jq("#miniCalendarTable td").hover(
>         function(){ jq(this).addClass("hover") },
>         function(){ jq(this).removeClass("hover") }
> ).click(function(){
>         jq(this).children("a").trigger("click");
> });
> this is my script.. i swear I have done this before but maybe not.
> the hover works fine... but when the click function runs I get endless
> recursion...
> when i return the length of the children("a") it is 1
> any ideas?

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