If you bind your event handlers using an element's onclick attribute
(or onwhatever) you should write it like so:

onclick="return myClickHandler(...);"

And return false from the function to avoid having the link followed.

Note that the attribute should be all lowercase, btw. The camelcase
version is used when referring to it as a member of a DOM element, eg.
some_element.onClick = ...

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:28 AM, goldy <zlati.pehliva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> function buildingedit(searchhtmlid, filename, editid, idnum, addnum,
> obj)
> {
>        //closeinst(searchhtmlid);
>        var params = $.evalJSON('{'+editid+':'+idnum+',add:'+addnum
> +',showhtml:2}');
>        var myelem = document.getElementById('lastid');
>        var lastid = myelem.value;
>        var $tablerow = $(searchhtmlid+idnum).clone(true);
>        $(searchhtmlid+lastid).css('background-color','#FFFFFF');
>        if(lastid)
>        {
>                if(lastid!=idnum)
>                {
>                        $.get(filename,
>                                                params,
>                                                function(returned_data)
>                                                {
>                                                        var rs = $('<div 
> id="editwindow" style="display:none;"></
> div>');
> $(searchhtmlid+idnum).hide();
> $(searchhtmlid+idnum).after(rs);
> //$(searchhtmlid+idnum).css('background-color','#DCE4F5');
> $('#editwindow').css('background-color','#DCE4F5');
>                                                        rs.html(returned_data);
>                                                        rs.fadeIn(2000, 
> function(){
> $(this).css('display','block');
>                                                                });
>                                                });
>                        myelem.value = idnum;
>                        setTimeout("prepareForm("+idnum+")", 2000);
>                }
>                else
>                {
>                        $('div#editwindow').fadeOut(1000, function(){
>    $(this).remove();
>    $(searchhtmlid+idnum).show();
>    });
>                        myelem.value = 0;
>                        //closeprev(obj);
>                }
>        }
>        else
>        {
>                $.get(filename,
>                                                params,
>                                                function(returned_data)
>                                                {
>                                                        var rs = $('<div 
> id="editwindow" style="display:none;"></
> div>');
> $(searchhtmlid+idnum).hide();
> $(searchhtmlid+idnum).after(rs);
> //$(searchhtmlid+idnum).css('background-color','#DCE4F5');
> $('#editwindow').css('background-color','#DCE4F5');
>                                                        rs.html(returned_data);
>                                                        rs.fadeIn(2000, 
> function(){
> $(this).css('display','block');
>                                                                });
>                                                });
>                myelem.value = idnum;
>        }
>        return false;
> }
> and this is called here
> <a class="ToggleClose" onClick="buildingedit('#descr',
> 'descriptionsadd.php', 'did', <?= $did ?>, 2, this);"
> href="descriptionsadd.php?add=2&did=<?= $did ?>&showhtml=2" ></a>

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