On 22.01.2009, at 21:23, andrew wrote:


I've got an application that has a pop up div which has controls that
submit an ajax post before which I'm getting some hidden variables
from within the popup div, I'm using 'live' with the popup div
controls.  I'm referencing the elements by their parent id then their
specific Id, eg $("#container > #elmId").val().  This works fine in
firefox but not in Safari, I get an undefined if I alert the
variables.  It also works fine in both browsers using jquery 1.2.6 but
not with 1.3.

Has anyone else has similar problems?

$("#id > .class") works for me in Safari 3.2.1 with jQuery 1.3.1 (did not test 1.3.0) in my project, but other stuff which worked in 1.2.6 simply selects the wrong elements

$("#id").find(".class") fails
$(".class", DOMElement) fails

The exact same code works in Firefox, though.

Markus Peter - w...@spin.de - http://www.spin-ag.de/ - http://www.spin.de/
SPiN AG, Bischof-von-Henle-Str. 2b, 93051 Regensburg, HRB 6295 Regensburg Aufsichtsratsvors.: Dr. Christian Kirnberger, Vorstände: F. Rott, P. Schmid

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