I'm not 100% clear on what you are asking here but, looking at your

Looks like if you click on the anchor with class "ajax" you are
loading the href into the "#content" object.  Is the iframe that you
are messing with on the same domain?  There are a ton of funky
security permissions with iframes.  Especially for IE6.

On Feb 11, 9:44 pm, mumbojumbo <madmediabl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have some code that loads content into a div using the .load
> function in jQuery. Now, the content that is pulled from the page is a
> in a div and in one of the div's, I have an I frame. The code I have
> works for FF Opera Safari but in IE the page doesn't do anything (Or
> at least, Doesn't show anything)
> Ideas Comments?
> Code:
> $('.ajax').bind("click", function(e) {
>                                         e.preventDefault();
>                                 var fileName = $(this).attr("href");
>                                 $('#content').fadeOut('slow',function(){
>                                                 $(this).load(fileName+' 
> #wrap', function(){
>                                         $('#content').fadeIn('slow');
>                                         });
>                         });
>                                 });
> the div id that is loaded is called wrap and the only page that gives
> me a problem in IE is the one where wrap contains an iframe.

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