I made an example that simulate the strange behaviour.
It is possible to download it here


I made a test case that works: it's possible run it opening

indexContainer.html contains the test case that does not work.

It seems that accessing from an iframe to another iframe where is
defined the tabs is impossible.
I can access any other elements in the iframe that contains the tabs
but the tabs.

Any idea?

Kind regards.


On Feb 9, 7:45 pm, "m.ugues" <m.ug...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hallo all.
> I got a problem accessing .ui-tabs-nav defined in an iframe from
> another one.
> I have a index page where I define an iframe: inside the iframe is
> loaded a page where are defined the tabs.
> http://pastie.org/384171
> In index.html there is this piece of code
> http://pastie.org/384170
> Then I load a modal dialog with an iframe inside (using jquery
> DOMwindow); now that i got this iframe I need to change the tab
> content, but i cannot access the tab class to do it.
> Normally inside the iframe where are defined the tabs I use this piece
> of code to reload a tabhttp://pastie.org/384176
> I tried different ways to do the same thing in the other iframe as
> described herehttp://pastie.org/384179but with no result.
> Any idea how to solve this problem?
> Kind regards
> Massimo UGues

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