Changing the image source is the simplest "Ajax"y thing to do, just $
('#webcamimage').attr('src', ''). If the
filename is always the same, the browser will use the version of the
image from cache, which is not what you want. Add a query string to
change the filename:
 $('#webcamimage').attr('src', ''+Date
On Feb 12, 4:30 pm, James <> wrote:
> You can use Javascript's setInterval function to constantly do a check
> to update an image source.
> How does the filename look like? Is it predictable?
> On Feb 12, 12:15 pm, lampshade <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I was given a web cam to use, but unfortunately it pulls the image
> > into a page via an applet.  The applet kills the page load time
> > turning it into a 5-6 second wait.
> > In addition to the Java applet, the camera will FTP an image to a
> > single filename every X seconds.  I'm wondering if I can use that
> > feature combined with JQuery and maybe JQuery Cycle Plugin to do
> > something better than the Java applet?
> > I'm just looking for general advice or ideas right now.
> > Thanks in advance,

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