One more thing: It begins the timeout/loop condition whenever I try to
leave the page. So, whenever I click a row (utilizing jQuery) OR
whenever I just click a menu link (or even just refreshing the page),
it locks up.

I also looked at the resulting html for the page and it's MASSIVE.
Exactly 18,671 lines! The progress bar shows that loading is complete,

Anyhow, below is the beginning of the table and the first two rows. (I
doubt anyone wants the full 18k lines worth.)

                <table id="target">

                                        <td style='width:33%;'>1480 Vine St 
&amp; 8th, BLDG<br />Daytona
Beach, FL 32117<br />ID: 4</td>
                                        <td style='width:33%;'>AA: Shane 
Mills/<br />SA: Shane Mills<br /
>Home Pro Realty Corp</td>
                                        <td style='width:33%;'>Buy</td>
                                </tr>                           <tr 
                                        <td style='width:33%;'>1011 Surge Ct<br 
/>Orlando, FL 32828<br /
>ID: 5</td>
                                        <td style='width:33%;'>AA: /<br />SA: 
Michael Kivitz<br />Home
Pro Realty Corp</td>
                                        <td style='width:33%;'>Buy</td>

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