I have secured the login form for my CMS with a challenge-response thing that encrypts both username and password with the (login-attempts-counted) challenge (and; here's my problem: a system hash) sent by the server (it would end up in your html as a hidden inputs, or as part of a json transmission)..

Since then, i've found these libs that do even longer one-way-crypto: http://mediabeez.ws/downloads/sha256.js-php.zip
The principles i'm about to explain stay the same.

*but i'd really like to know if my crypto can be improved*

So instead of the browser getting just a text-field for username and password, you also send the "challenge" (and "system_hash") value. That's a 100-character random string (include special characters!), then sha256-ed (for prettiness mostly i think).

I really wonder if i can do without the systemhash..

------------------------------------ HTML --------------------------------
<form id="myForm">
<input type="hidden" id="system_hash" name="system_hash" value="[SHA256 SORTA-MASTER-KEY__DUNNO-WHAT-TO-DO-WITH-THIS]"/> <input type="hidden" id="challenge" name="challenge" value="[SHA256RANDOMSTRINGFROMPHP]"/>
<tr><td>Login</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td><input id='login' name='login'/></td></tr> <tr><td>Password</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td><input id='pass' name='pass'/></td></tr>

------------------------------------ JS ------------------------------------

   $('#myform').submit (function() {
           var s = ($'system_hash')[0];
           var c = ($'challenge')[0];
           var l = $('#login')[0];
           var p = $('#pass')[0];

           l.value = sha256 (sha256 (l.value + s.value) + c.value);
           p.value = sha256 (sha256 (p.value + s.value) + c.value);
//Here, submit the form using ajax routines in plain text, as both the login name and
           //password are now one-way-encrypted.
//on the PHP end, authentication is done against a mysql table "users".
           //in this table i have 3 relevant fields:
           //user_login_name (for administrative and display purposes)
//user_login_name_hash (==sha256 (user_login_name + system_hash)) //user_password_hash (== passwords aint stored unencrypted in my cms, to prevent admin corruption and pw-theft by third parties; the password is encrypted by the browser in the "new-password-form" with the system hash before it's ever sent to the server. server Never knows about the cleartext password, ever.)
//when a login-attempt is evaluated, all the records in "users" table have to be traversed (which i admit can get slow on larger userbases... help!?! :) //for each user in the users table, the loginhash and password hash are calculated; // $uh = sha256 ($users->rec["user_login_name_hash"] . $challenge); // $pwh = md5 ($users->rec["user_password_hash"] . $challenge);
           //and then,
// if they match the hash strings that were sent (both of them),
           //    if the number of login-attempts isn't exceeded,
// if the IP is still the same (as the one who first requested the html login form with new challenge value)
           //then, maybe, i'll let 'm log in :)

phicarre wrote:
How to secure this jquery+php+ajax login procedure ?

$('#myform').submit( function()
            $(this).ajaxSubmit( {
                type:'POST', url:'login.php',
                success: function(msg)
                    **** login ok : how to call the welcome.php ***
                error: function(request,iderror)
                    alert(iderror + " " + request);
            return false;

<form id="myForm" action="" >

        Name : <input type='text' name='login' size='15' />
        <div>Password : <input type='password' name='passe' size='15' /
        <input type="submit" value="login" class="submit" />


Login.php check the parameters and reply by echo "ok" or echo "ko"

Logically if the answer is ok we must call a welcome.php module BUT,
if someone read the client code, he will see the name of the module
and can hack the server.
May I wrong ? how to secure this code ?

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