Hi all,

I was just writing a bit of JS to set the width of some buttons to the
width of the largest.
While doing this I found that the largest one would shrink!

Doing this in a debugger gives:
$("#x").width(); // 222
$("#x").width(222); // makes element shrink
$("#x").width(); // 216

The number returned from $.width() is equal to the innerWidth() (at
least it is on my button, which has a border but no padding).
When you set it though, if you set it to the value returned, it will
shrink! It won't do this if you pass the return from $.outerWidth().

This seems backwards; I would never expect that passing the return of
a getter to its corresponding setter to change the return from the

Can someone tell me if this is a bug or is by design - and if by
design, why?

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