Events do fire sequentially. Recommended read:


On 13 Feb., 21:54, pantagruel <> wrote:
> Never mind, obviously should just catch the onmousedown.
> On Feb 13, 9:47 pm, pantagruel <> wrote:
> > I hope the above is clear. I have an click event that should be
> > happening at the same time that a blur event is happening (by clicking
> > on a link in a menu I am blurring the input field) which event puts
> > the display of the menu to none.
> > It seems that when I do this however despite it is the click which
> > causes the blur to happen it is the blur that takes precedence. (this
> > is in Firefox 3.06)
> > My function is the following:
> > function losefocus(){
> > var currentActiveCommands =  jQuery("#menudiv ul li.runnable").find
> > ("a.c");
> > navigationalTracking.AutoCompletionId = "";
> > navigationalTracking.AutoCompletionRow = 0;
> > runcommandinputfocused = false;
> > currentActiveCommands.each(function(i) {
> >       $(this).parent().css("display","none");
> >     });
> > }
> > If I remove the function on currentActiveCommands I don't have a
> > problem catching the click.

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