Hmm... how about:

On Feb 13, 1:09 pm, Mario Soto <> wrote:
> Neither I did find troubles.. :P
> This is code like I use it. I check the select and then for it's value
> check what to do.
> switch($('#selectId').val(){
>     case 1:
>         // say hello
>         break;
>     case 2:
>         // say good bye
>         break;
>     case 3:
>     case 4:
>     case 5:
>         // say what are you doing here?
>         break;
> });
> But the problem is not validaton, is that it doesn't get there. I
> placed an 'alert', and nothing happened either.. It simply doesn't get
> there. (thanks James)
> The other thing is that these autoload is an js, that is used by other
> autoload in other process (that i have nothing to do), and so, I
> cannot change it (Thanks David Andrews).
> This it migth be a bug or an expected behavior?

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