> Thanks very much for your reply and the information. What I'm hoping
> to be able to do is to provide a plug-in API for my jQuery plug-in
> which will allow the new API functions to be able to access the
> private methods which I use. I know you can't force something to
> expose private methods (or they wouldn't be private!) but what I was
> wondering was if it was possible to allow access to those methods if
> you know that you want to do this (without making everything
> public)...
> Here is the basic idea for what I want to do in code (and with the
> eval/toString method I described above):
>         fnApi = function () {
>                 console.log( 'API function is running with required scope: 
> '+iPi );
>         }
>         fnContainer = function () {
>                 var iPi=3.141592;
>                 this.fnApi = eval( '('+ fnApi.toString()+')' );
>         };
>         var oContainer = new fnContainer();
>         oContainer.fnApi();
> Many thanks,
> Allan

Here's one approach (view source):


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