I have a dynamically generated radio button group.  I need to find the
value of the button selected, but I don't know the name or id of the
radio buttons prior to the form loading.  Those elements are
dynamically generated.  I can attach an onClick event to the table
that encloses the option group, but not to the individual options.
That's just a constraint I have for this particular form. So my
question then, is how to get at the value of the selected item? --

My form looks as follows:

 that looks as follows:
<form action="" method="get" name="form2">
  <input name="refTextBox" id="refTextBox_ID" type="text" />
  <table class="Group2" id="Table_ID"  onClick="?????" border="0"
      <td><input id="a_0" type="radio" name="abc$a123" value="10" />
        <label for="a_0">Monthly -- $10.00 per month</label></td>
      <td><input id="a_1" type="radio" name="abc$a123" value="100"  />
        <label for="a_1">Annual -- $100.00 per year</label></td>

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