I'm attempting to get the contents of the page -- its HTML code.
Everything always returns null.
Here is what I tried:
                var details = $('#xEditingArea').html();
                alert("a"+details);  -- returns null
                var details = $('#xEditingArea iframe html body').html();
                alert("b"+details); -- returns null

The page is using fckeditor and I need the contents of the fckeditor
which uses numerous iframes.

The tags are these:
xEditingArea is the id of the td tag that then contains an iframe.
The iframe contains html then body tags.  None of these have any
identifying characteristics put on them by the fckeditor so I can't
retrieve them using an id.

Is there something in jquery that prevents it from returning the html?
Is it the iframes that is causing the problem?
I've tried hundreds of combinations and can't figure it out.

I am doing an autosave and it used to work with niceditor but then I
had to switch over to fckeditor and found this problem. I've spent 3
hours and have gotten nowhere.

Any help would be appreciated.

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