im trying to look into a div and find each instance of a ul in that
div and get all the li elements into a variable then remove the ul's
and append the new ul with li from variable.
here is what i have so far:
//var ulla = ' ';
jQuery("ul").each(function() {
var ulla = jQuery(this).html();
jQuery("#la dl").remove();
jQuery("#la").append("<dl><ul>" + ulla + "</ul></dl>");

the structure is like:
im trying to get all of the li elements from all ul elements and store
them so I can remove all the multiple ul elements and make one ul and
put all the li elements inside this new single ul.
I keep trying variations of this with different selectors and forms of
each and i cant get anything into that ulla variable, i get undefined
when loading the page for ulla with code above.
can anybody see what i am doing wrong

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