Greetings, is there anyway to have the "validationGroup" kind of functionality that is in the ASP.NET validation? because there are no multiple forms and validation on set of controls required based on the similar grouping? Like a set of controls share a similar group and then on click of a button the validationGroup is set into the jQuery validator options and then in the validation only those controls are validated which have that specific validationGroup
like rules: { TextBox1: 'required', TextBox2: 'required' TextBox3: 'required', TextBox4: 'required' }, messages: { TextBox1: 'Please enter the name.', TextBox2: 'Please enter last name.' TextBox3: 'Please enter address.', TextBox4: 'Please enter phone number.' }, validationGroups: { group1:{TextBox1,TextBox2} group2:{TextBox3,TextBox4} } <input type submit onclick=validator.validationGroup='group1' text='Fill Primary information'> <input type submit onclick=validator.validationGroup='group2' text='Fill contact information'> or something similar?