I wrote that other post that Steve mentioned, and probably should
update it since I have made some slight changes to be a little more
semantically correct.

First, to directly answer your question, you'll need some CSS markup
like this:

li:hover > a#b1 em, li.sfHover > a#b1 em {background-position:0 -50px}

for each of the buttons that you have in your menu. (Selects any "em"
element that is a descendant of an "a" element with an id attribute
that equals "b1" that is a child of an "li" element which is in a
hover state.)

HOWEVER, this assumes that you have markup similar to mine. (this is
the updated part)

For the top-level links, my markup looks like this:

<a id="b1" href="products.htm"><em>Products</em></a>

Notice that each anchor tag has an ID and that the link text is
actually wrapped in those em tags (no more <em></em> just sitting

I liked this approach because I'm trying to give different emphasis to
those top level links.

Feel free to check out the css here: http://dwdiesel.com/css/superfish.css
and give a shout if you have any more questions.

Final caveat: my solution does not work in IE 6 because of the child
selector, but at least it degrades gracefully.

On Feb 17, 8:33 am, Steve Piercy <steve.piercy....@gmail.com> wrote:
> See this 
> post.http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/1801c70...
> I'm experimenting with how to do the same thing, but without the extra
> markup of <em></em>.
> --steve
> On Feb 1, 4:51 am, Simbarashe <lowsonr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > We have built our site usingsuperfishto handle the main navigation
> > menu. Thetoplevelelements are images and for selecting the 'current
> > section" image, we use the codebehind to set the different image
> > states, and a rollover function in the client side to handle the image
> > rollovers. That gives us for example:
> > server-side:
> > home.png (standard menu image)
> > home-current.png (current section)
> > client-side:
> > home_o.png (overstate)
> > home-current_o.png (current section / overstate)
> > The only drawback I have right now is that thehover(over) states
> > show properly when youhoverover thetop-menu element itself. If youhoverin 
> > the sub-menu then the roll-over effect on thetop-levelmenu
> > image disappears. Has anyone had any success in using rollover images
> > in asuperfishmenu, and how would I fix this?

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