first - yoy have error in href (on small image -> right now it's
href="$(") - anyway, that not the reason of your problem.
what you've writen is code that show #insideContainer_detail div.

you've create couple of divs with the same ID, and that's the reason
of your problems.

the idea could be to:
a) add additional atribute to each img (for example unique ID {UID})
and then create div's  with name as $("#insideContainer_detail_
b) create only one #insideContainer_detail, but load contents after
click (for example by ajax call, or just by setting img.src value)

b-solution is better - less code, one place for such functionality,
and the data is loaded only when needed.


On Feb 17, 7:11 pm, "nkline1...@gmail.com" <n...@highrockstudios.com>
> For Reference:http://tinyurl.com/ahgluehttp://preview.tinyurl.com/ahglue
> If there is anyone out there that can help me wrap my head around
> this, I'm new to jQuery and love it's flexibility, but I'm just not
> getting past this stumbling block.
> Essentially, their are two cycle galleries occurring, and a show
> function that links the two.  The first is an overview gallery that
> cycles 9 thumbnails using the pager option, the second gallery is a
> detail image that corresponds to a thumbnail from the first gallery
> and is controlled with "next" & "prev" options.
> I've been trying (for almost a week now) to figure out a way to bind
> each thumbnail to it's corresponding detail slide, but can only get it
> to perform the show function and display the first slide.  The
> containing thumbnails and detail images are dynamically pulled into
> the page, so I intend on making the whole section dynamic, but for
> now, it's static and takes a second to load.
> Any help/pointers/guidance/etc would be greatly greatly appreciated.
> -Nick

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