The problem is that I can access any element from the iframe to the
parent iframe (even the tabs).
I can hide tabs div, I can show it, but when i call specific
properties on tabs element something goes wrong.

I made a simple test case explained here.

Unfortunately none answered me. :(

Kind regards


On Feb 18, 5:03 pm, Aleem B <> wrote:
> > I got this problem
> > var $tabs = parent.$('#operativitaframe').contents().find
> > ('#tabsContainer').tabs();
> > alert($tabs);
> > This prints [object Object];
> > how can I know if this is the tabs object instead of something else?
> $tabs is actually a jQuery object. tabs() may add some additional new
> properties (prevObject, context) but it would be an unreliable to
> check against those properties as other objects may add similar
> properties.
> If you are assigning to $tabs when calling tabs() why would you need
> to check it again? Calling tabs() again should not be an issue or you
> could work around it by setting a flag.

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