
To show a clueTip when the user clicks
To show the clueTip at the mouse click position
To change dynamically the attr rel

I define the div that will contain the html page to put in

<div id="tip" rel="#" title="jTip Style!" style="display:none">test</

        cluetipClass: 'jtip',
        positionBy: "mouse",
        activation : "click",
        arrows: true,
        dropShadow: false,
        //hoverIntent: true,
        sticky: true,
        mouseOutClose: false,
        closePosition: 'title',
        closeText: '<img src="/images/cross.png" alt="close" />'

When the user clicks on a map I call:


(function() {
        ShowClueTip= function(response) {
        $("div#tip").attr("rel", response);
        $("div#tip").attr("href", response);

The p#test is hidden, it means that the function is correctly called,
but the ClueTip is not visible.
If I put the rel value into the div declaration, the ClueTip is
visible, but the position is not correct.
How can I do?


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