
Many thanks for your reply, although I'm totally confused now ...

If I understand correctly;

- options is checked for being a string (method) or a function (set of options) - If it's a string (and using 'a', 'b' or 'c' from my previous example) then execute the relevant code depending upon a,b or c. - If it isn't then the plugin code continues as usual with either user-supplied or default options, starting with the line 'options = $.extend(defaults, options);'

If so, would doing this effect the 'options' or 'method' code by preventing either being able to run functions within the plugin eg,

var someFunction = function(e) {
// do something
return false;

Thanks for your help.


On 19 Feb 2009, at 13:16, Mike Alsup wrote:

Well, that sort of works, although I need to be able to pass (and
within the plugin provide default) options - I can do either but not
both so I'm a bit stumped:

Oh, I see what you mean now.  Try something like this:

$.fn.myplugin = function(options) {

   var defaults = { width: 300 };

   if (typeof options == 'string')
       options = { someDefaultOption: options };
   else if ($.isFunction(option))
       options = { callback: options };

   options = $.extend(defaults, options);


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