Could you please post this to the jQuery UI list?


- Richard

On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 10:47 AM, KevinM2k <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using JQuery 1.6rc6, and I am attempting to create dialog boxes
> which I had no trouble with using 1.5 and have no trouble with in
> Firefox, the problem is when it comes to Internet explorer (6 ro 7),
> there are 4 main problems these are listed below.
> Firstly I will give the code i'm using to open the dialog boxes:
> function openDialog(title,node,x,y) {
>         $('#'+node).dialog({
>                  width : x,
>                  modal : true,
>                  height : y,
>                  title : title
>         });
>         $('#'+node).dialog('open');
> }
> As I said this works great in firefox, now for the problems in IE.
> 1. The height doesn't seem to work as it should do, If I set the
> height to 300, the height seems to be around 50, always knocking
> around 250 off the height, the only time I can get height working
> correctly is if I use "auto" as the height, which I dont want to do
> (more of "auto" later).
> 2. The shadow around the box on IE only covers the left and top parts
> of the dialog window due to the margin: -8 0 0 -8 property, it also
> has a padding of 8px all the way around, whcih in firefox expands the
> shadow box and makes it fit.. this doesn't happen with IE.
> 3. The scrollbars that the new dialog boxes have on by default aren't
> in the correct position, the left scrollbar is about 20 to 30px to the
> left of where it should be and the bottom scrollbar around 10px from
> the bottom of the dialog.
> 4. the ui.theme.css file that comes with theme roller as a ui-widget
> property in at the top whcih specifies a font in 1.1em, if I leave
> this font size in, the dialog box simply does even appear in ie6 or 7,
> if i change this to represent percentage or pixels, the box then does
> appear... very strange
> ----
> With the auto property, I have also noticed in both IE and Firefox,
> that the shadow doesn't expand with the dialog as it grows inside.
> If anyone can help me with the 4 first errors that woudl be great
> (number 4 i have got rid of by simply removing the em on the end of
> the font, but the others still exist)
> Thanks
> Kevin

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