I know that this is not the place to post my question but here it is.
If someone knows a better place please do inform.

I have an array of objects and I want to retrieve specific elements
that match certain criteria, i.e. find value A in an object B. The
problem is that I cannot know what is A (text, object, reg exp, array)
and what is B (text, object, array). Also, I must assume that B may be
an array or a key/value object and that A may be anywhere (including
'children' objects).

This is usually the case when I have a JSON response from an external
source and want to find something in there but without hard-coding any
specific methods or search cases.

I think the best way to achieve this is to have a method loop through
the objects and arrays that are passed (and found) and call it self
until there only two string/number/regexp values to be compared

What I've done up to now is here http://jsbin.com/ahezi/edit - if you
haven't understood what I just said perhaps the example on this page
will help.

Even tho it works as expected it is quite slow and I have no idea
where the problem is. So my question is this: Is there a better way to
achieve this result, and if not, how can I make the Find function

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