Thanks for the reply. Here are  a few results from the callback

data => [object Document]
data.find('category') => TypeError: Value undefined does not allow
function calls.
$(data).find('category') => [object Object]
$(data).find('category').length => 0
$(data).text() => [text of whole xml document]

As you can see, the data passed into the function is a first-class
object, but as the second line illustrates, we can't traverse its DOM
yet. So, I promote it to a jQuery object using $(data). Doing a find
('category') on that produces an object, but the length (I've
confirmed that it's pretty extensive) still shows up as zero. Noting
that $(data).text() "demotes" the object to its textual XML
representation, I found I could wrap that as:


which means (to me), forget what you knew about the data object passed
in and strip it back to bare text, then parse it as an xml document.

I'm sure I'm making some dumb mistake here, but I just don't see it.
There's just no reason a library as capable as jQuery shouldn't be
able to wrap this little problem around its little finger. I'm
perplexed. But I am also completely sold on jQuery for all my Web
projects where debugging is at least slightly more sane :)

On Feb 19, 10:27 pm, mkmanning <> wrote:
> I suspect it's the dance you're having to do. Quickly testing in a
> browser, If you use
> xmlObjectTree = $(data)
> then you can iterate through the animal tags.
> Doing the dance in a browser yields an unrecognized expression syntax
> exception. How did you come to use $($(data).text()); and what happens
> if you use the other method?
> On Feb 19, 8:29 pm, "s.ross" <> wrote:
> > I'm trying to get Adobe(TM)(R) AIR to work with jQuery kinda friendly-
> > like. I'm sending off an xml-rpc request as follows:
> >                                 this.packageRequest = function(method, 
> > secure, params, callback) {
> >                                         var msg = new XMLRPCMessage(method);
> >                                         msg.addParameter(params);
> >                                         urn = (secure) ? this.SecureUrn : 
> > this.Urn;
> >                                         urn += this.istockEndPoint;
> >                                         $.ajax({
> >                                                 url: urn,
> >                                                 data: msg.xml(),
> >                                                 dataType: 'xml',
> >                                                 type: 'POST',
> >                                                 contentType: 'text/xml',
> >                                                 success: callback
> >                                         });
> >                                 }
> > All well and good, and for simple response groups, this works great.
> > The callback function is invoked and the xml sanitized. I'm not
> > certain why, but I have to do this dance in the callback:
> > function myFineCallback(data) {
> >   xmlObjectTree = $($(data).text());
> > }
> > The problem I'm really bumping up against is the case where the XML
> > looks like:
> > <root>
> >   <animals>
> >     <category name="reptiles" />
> >     <category name="mammals" />
> >     <category name="marsupials" />
> >   </animals>
> > </root>
> > You get the picture. The tags have no content. One would expect that:
> > xmlObjectTree.find('animals category').each( ... )
> > would iterate the animals tags, allowing me to pull the name attribute
> > out, but I'm getting a zero-length result. Same for xmlObjectTree.find
> > ('category').
> > Any thoughts>

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