> I have this code:
>                 $("#loading")
>                 .ajaxStart(function()
>                 {
>                         $(this).show();
>                 })
>                 .ajaxComplete(function()
>                 {
>                         $(this).hide();
>                 });
>                 var options =
>                 {
>                         beforeSubmit:   showRequest,
>                         success:        showResponse,
>                         url:            '/library/scripts/upload.php',
>                         clearForm:      true,
>                         dataType:       'json'
>                 };
>                 $('#ajax_form').submit(function()
>                 {
>                         $(this).ajaxSubmit(options);
>                         return false;
>                 });
> function showRequest(formData, jqForm, options)
> {
>         var fileToUploadValue = $('#upFileInput').val();
>         if (fileToUploadValue == "")
>         {
>                 alert('Пожалуйста, выберите файл для загрузки.');
>                 return false;
>         }
>         return true;
> }
> function showResponse(data, statusText)
> {
>         alert(data);
>         cropScreen();
>         $('#cropPhoto').html(data);
> }
> upload.php output is: <img src="imgpath">
> But success event won't trigger at all, I've checked and rechecked
> all, but can't find the problem source. Apache logs says that
> upload.php was called and completed with code 200 (success).
> Sadly I cannot give link to see it, cause it's on our internal server
> and I'm forbidden to put it on any ext server.

I don't see anything obvious from what you posted.  What does the form
markup look like?

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