A question re: event handling/propagation:  I have a surrounding <div>
and I want any click within the <div> (including a click on any
element within the div) to toggle the addition/removal of a class on
the <div>.

In this example, if the user clicks on one of the <p> elements within
the <div>, my toggle doesn't work--I'm assuming because the
event.target is the <p> element and not the <div>, so the add/
removeClass isn't performed on the parent <div>.

<!-- div is 200px x 200px -->
<div class="clickable_element">
  <p>element title</p>
  <p>element label</p>
  <p class="positioned_label">status text</p>

    function(event) {

    function(event) {

Is the way to handle this to attach separate toggle functions to the
<p> elements with an alternate selector to target the parent <div>, or
is there a cleaner way to handle this situation?


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