I made a typo it's 'zIndex' not 'zindex' - disregard the quotes

On Feb 20, 2:32 pm, Nikola <nik.cod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You can use a callback which will be executed when the animation is
> finished, like this:
> $("#i2").animate({left: "+=110px"}, 1500, function(){ $(this).css
> ({zindex:19}); } );
> On Feb 20, 7:06 am, "paul.mac" <paul.mcma...@uuconstruct.co.uk> wrote:
> > Hi, A newie to jQuery although I do have quiet a lot of JavaScript
> > experience.
> > I can't seem to grasp the queuing of animations in jQuery
> > I have the following code
> >    $("#right").click(function(){
> >      ...
> >       $("#tv2").animate({left: "+=110px"}, 1500).animate({left: "-
> > =110px"}, 0);
> >       $("#i2").animate({left: "+=110px"}, 1500);
> >      ...
> >    });
> > which both execute at the same time - exactly what I want - and what I
> > would like to do is change the z-index of i2 after the animation has
> > stopped. I tried appending .css("z-index", 19) to the end of the #i2
> > line (before the semi colon) but it seems to execute it straight away.
> > (There are some more bits to the code but they will only clutter
> > things up)
> > Thanks
> > paul.mac

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