Yes that is just what I needed.  Thank you very much! This is actually
starting to make sense to me  :^ )

On Feb 20, 6:14 pm, Brian Cherne <> wrote:
> The hoverIntent plugin assumes you're sending it either:
> a) both over and out functions, or
> b) a single configuration object.
> When you send it only one function it assumes that that's the configuration
> object. As you are only interested in using an over function, I'd recommend
> sending an anonymous function for the out function. You could name your
> functions and use them directly in the method, or as part of the
> configuration object:
> var overFn = function(){
>      $("dd:visible").slideUp("slow");
>      $(this).parent().next().slideDown("slow");
>      return false;
> };
> var outFn = function(){};
> $("dt a").hoverIntent( overFn, outFn );
> // OR //
> $("dt a").hoverIntent({
>     over: overFn,
>     out: outFn
> });
> Let me know if this helps,
> Brian.
> On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 3:57 PM, zac <> wrote:
> > I am trying to add the hoverIntent plugin to this basic accordion menu
> > such as this:
> > $("dd").hide();
> >                $("dt a").hover(function(){
> >                        $("dd:visible").slideUp("slow");
> >                        $(this).parent().next().slideDown("slow");
> >                        return false;
> >                });
> > I am confused about how to call those functions for over and out:
> >        $("dt a").hoverIntent({
> >                                sensitivity: 3,
> >                                interval: 200,
> >                                over: ?,
> >                                timeout: 500,
> >                                out: ?,
> >                        });
> > The plugin says it is interchangeable with hover but when I try this:
> > $("dd").hide();
> >                $("dt a").hoverIntent(function(){
> >                        $("dd:visible").slideUp("slow");
> >                        $(this).parent().next().slideDown("slow");
> >                        return false;
> >                });
> > I get errors because I did not define the over and out.  How do I
> > define these?
> > Thanks for any help with this.

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