
I having a problem wich I dont know how to solve. I have a list of
users and each user listed have a button DELETE. When I click on that
button, user is deleted. Now, when I delete user I want to update my
list of users at same time. Problem is that when I delete one user,
list refreshes properly, but the second time that I click on button
user is not deleted.

Here is my code:
//this_file is the same file that contains this code. I tried
#container but it is the same.
//.delete is class for delete buttons.
//delete.php is php script for deleteing users
//containet is div where all content of this page is loaded.

 $(document).ready(function() {
   $(".delete").click(function() {
     $.post("delete.php",{ id: $(this).val()}, function(){

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